二十多年以來,Kelidesign 一直相信,好設計、好品牌,其實別無秘訣,惟有對“ PCC / 洞察+概念+創造 ”這一專業理念的秉持。這是一把“ 鑰匙 ”,亦是設計與品牌“ 生長之道 ”的惟一路徑。二十多年的業績和足跡,亦足以令我們相信,好設計、好品牌,其實就是一段同舟共濟、共同走過的美好風景與旅程。
Over the past more than 20 years, Kelidesign has always believed that good design and brand have no secrets. Only upheld the professional concept of "PCC / Percipience + Concept + Creation". This is a "key" and the only way and the "growth way" to design and brand. With the performance and footprint of more than 20 years, it is enough to make us believe that good design and good brand are actually a beautiful scenery and journey that have been shared together.
Good design. Good brand. Good business. Good life.